Hong Kong Financial Services 
​​Business Continuity Management Forum

Whole Industry Simulation Exercise 2019 Post Exercise Report

WISE 2019 took place on October 18th, 2019. 42 organisations including banks, regulator, virtual banks, securities firms and asset managers took part in the half day crisis exercise designed to simulate market wide impact resulting from a major incident. Overall the exercise was successful in meeting its objectives of not just delivering an exercise but in building the skillset of crisis managers across Hong Kong financial services.

The exercise allowed the market to understand how it can better withstand major crises, with learnings for the future. The results of the exercise, opportunities to improve and ideas for future exercises are included in the Post Exercise Report below.      

We would like to thank everyone who supported WISE 2019; participants, our partners Control Risks and Ruder Finn, our regulators and the volunteers who worked to develop the scenario and in the command centre during delivery.  

Should you require further information please email hozefa.badri@hkfsbcm.org.

WISE 2019 Command Centre