Hong Kong Financial Services 
​​Business Continuity Management Forum

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BCM Professionals in Financial Services

The Hong Kong Financial Services Business Continuity Management (HKFSBCM) Forum is a group of senior BCM professionals employed in a wide cross-section of firms in the banking and securities industry. The Forum aims to collaboratively address the concerns of business continuity in the industry. The Forum holds monthly meetings where members discuss current affairs, looming threats, regulatory requirements and best practices in the areas of Business Continuity Management and Crisis Management. Relevant experts and organizations, such as Hong Kong Electric, Thomson Reuters and International SOS, are often invited. In addition, the Forum conducts BCM-related industry surveys and benchmarking. In 2013, a first small-scale industry-wide exercise was organized with an infectious disease scenario. The Forum facilitates connection of members - when a real crisis occurs, members know to find each other. As shown during the Occupy Central protests and various virus threats, the Forum helps to share information and align approaches of different firms.


Web Editor's Note  

Our motto is added ! It essentially summarizes the general motivation or intention of HKFSBCM and therefore when the Chairperson of HKFSBCM, Willem Hoekstra, told me about it in English, I decided to put it on the first page. Hope you like it too. The WISE 2015 Briefing Session was held with success. Photos shots of the event are now available in this website and please check them out ! We are inviting participants of the Briefing Session to do a quick online survey. The feedback collected will be important to help us do a good job in planning for WISE 2015. As an industry group, we need your support so that WISE 2015 can be successful. That said, we would like to call for support from BCM professionals to join us as volunteers to help on the planning and coordination of WISE 2015. If you are interested in making good use of your professional expertise for a greater cause which will benefit the whole financial industry in Hong Kong, let us know immediately. Help us. We need you. 

Like-wise, let us know if you or your organization is interested in participating in WISE 2015, so that we will not miss you or your organization in this industry-wide initiative. Participants of the Briefing Session may indicate their representing organizations' interests in participating in WISE 2015,in the Quick Survey. Anyone can reach us by email and phone, or by simply filling in the Quick Form in the Contacts section of this website and hit the submit button. We will do our best to get back to you soon. Lastly, behind the scenes of the Briefing Session and everything you see for the initiative are efforts of the WISE 2015 Task Force of which member names are added onto this website to show appreciation. Before the end of the year and a festive holiday, I would like to deliver the most important message for the time being on behalf of HKFSBCM: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

​We wish you a Merry Christmas 

and A Happy New Year of 2015 !

WISE​ 2015

Whole-Industry Simulation Exercise


​​Are WE prepared ? Let's Be.

Disasters can strike to attack anytime

Highlights of Month

WISE 2015 Briefing A Success 

Photo Contribution by Keith Mulcahy. Text by HKFSBCM.

The WISE 2015 Briefing Session held on 02.December 2014 at the office of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) was a success. The Session attracted a full floor of advance registered participants coming from around 65 different banks and securities firms, plus relevant major organizations, service providers, professional bodies as well as regulatory bodies. A panel discussion together with Q&As was arranged after the introduction of WISE 2015Responses from participants were positive, asking helpful questions and making constructive comments and suggestions.

We were honored to have invited senior representatives from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the Securities sand Futures Commissions (SFC) of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited (HKICL) and Deutsche Bank (DB) to as panel for the Session. Panel members were unanimously supportive to the WISE 2015 initiative despite its industry-driven nature, and expressed views on the benefits of doing an industry-wide exercise, as well as reminded the importance of Hong Kong's financial industry to be ready for the unknowns.They also urged senior management of banks and securities firms within the scope of WISE 2015 not to miss this great opportunity to take part in the initiative. For photo shots taken on-site, go to the Briefing section of this website.