Hong Kong Financial Services 
​​Business Continuity Management Forum

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What's Happening?

**NEW** WISE 2025

The Board of HKFSBCM Forum is splicing proposals for WISE 2025, please find below the link for the RFP (link).

WISE 2023

On November 16th 2023, the fourth whole industry simulation exercise (WISE) 2023 was successfully conducted. 43 financial institutions participated, along with 3 local regulators in an exercises hosted by 4C Strategies to practice the crisis management capabilities of their senior management in response to a cyber-attack. They assessed the ability of their Crisis Management Team (CMT) to respond to a systemic incident that impacts multiple firms across Hong Kong. A new and significant addition was that WISE 2023 was the first BCM industry exercise in the world that integrated Operational Resilience requirements into the traditional framework of a crisis management exercise. Please click here for more details.

WISE 2019 

On October 18th 2019, the third whole industry simulation exercise (WISE) 2019 was successfully conducted. 42 financial institutions participated, practicing their response to a pandemic and subsequent impact from an opportunistic cyber-attack, strengthening the resilience of this world-class financial services centre. Please click here for more details, and here for the final WISE 2019 report.

Good-bye to outgoing HKFSBCM Chairman Willem Hoekstra 

After 8 years of active involvement as chair of HKFSBCM, Willem Hoekstra stepped down as Chair during the April 2019 monthly meeting. You can read his good-bye speech here


In October 2022, Paul Jackson of Kroll presented on the "APAC Cyber Threat Landscape and State of Incident Response".

In September 2022, HKFSBCM members attended a webinar hosted by International SOS on "Understanding Global Health Threats and Preparing for Travel".

In August 2022, board members of HKFSBCM met with representatives of the SFC and specifically to speak about the WISE2023 exercise.

In June 2022, board members of HKFSBCM met with representatives of the HKMA and specifically to speak about the WISE2023 exercise and Operational Resilience.

In May 2022, HKFSBCM members attended a webinar hosted by International SOS on "Monkeypox - What we need to know?"

In January 2022, HKFSBCM members attended a webinar hosted by International SOS on "Omicron's Impacts to Business & How to Safeguard Workforce".

In November 2021, HKFSBCM members were invited to attend a International SOS breakfast round table discussion on COVID-19.

In September 2021, HKFSBCM members attended a webinar hosted by International SOS on "Global Evacuations and Repatriations during a Pandemic".

In June 2021, HKFSBCM members attended a webinar hosted by International SOS on "First Step to Business Travel Resumption".

In March 2021, HKFSBCM members attended a webinar hosted by International SOS on "Corporate vaccination Program & Legal Liability".

In February 2021, HKFSBCM members attended a webinar hosted by International SOS on "COVID-19 Vaccines Update & How Should corporates Prepare?"

In February 2019, Ben Wootliff of Control Risks presented the 2019 Global Risk Outlook, listing the top-5 major concerns.

In January 2018, Adam Harbord of OnSolve-SendWordNow demonstrated how their product makes them a leading provider of on-demand alerting for urgent communication.

In November 2017, Graeme Orsborn of EverBridge presented how this enterprise software application helps automate the delivery of critical information to help keep people safe and business running.

In October 2017, HKFSBCM organised a visit to the Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX). The forum was able to see the trading floor before its closure as part of renovations. 

In September 2017, a 35 head strong delegation of HKFSBCM visited Cathay City, and more specifically the crisis command centre of Cathay Pacific.

The Hong Kong Financial Services Business Continuity Management (HKFSBCM) Forum is a group of senior Business Continuity Management (BCM) professionals employed in a wide cross-section of firms in the banking and securities industry in Hong Kong. The Forum aims to collaboratively address the concerns of business continuity in the industry. The Forum holds monthly meetings where members discuss current affairs, looming threats, regulatory requirements, and best practices in the areas of Business Continuity Management and Crisis Management. Relevant experts and organizations, such as Hong Kong Electric, Thomson Reuters, and International SOS, are often invited. In addition, the Forum conducts BCM-related industry surveys and benchmarking. The forum organizes industry-wide exercises. The Forum facilitates connection of members - when a real crisis occurs, members know how to find each other. As shown during the Occupy Central protests, COVID-19 and various other threats, the Forum helps to share information and align approaches of different firms.


about us

Industry group for BCM Professionals

Following its informal existence, the former Hong Kong Financial Services Business Continuity Management Forum (HKFSBCM) Forum, also called the "Forum", was founded in 2011 as a self-initiated group of passionate and experienced BCM professionals in the banking industry. In 2014, the Forum was renamed to HKSFBCM and registered as a Society in Hong Kong, to support future initiatives and projects. In 2018, HKFSBCM Ltd. was filed with the Hong Kong Companies Registry.  

HKFSBCM Forum's mission is to provide a high-performing platform to facilitate business continuity information exchange, and to allow members to jointly work together to address BCM concerns in the financial industry in Hong Kong and elsewhere. Currently, HKFSBCM Forum has around 50 corporate members, including some of the world's largest names in the financial industry. The Forum holds monthly meetings where members meet to discuss key and the most current topics in financial industry BCM. Other major activities include conducting industry surveys and benchmark exercises, exchanging BCM information, collaborating with third parties including regulatory bodies and service providers, and coordinating joint industry-wide exercises (WISE) and initiatives.

Board members of HKFSBCM Forum are elected to volunteer their time and efforts to administer and govern the Forum, and to lead it to achieve its mission. ​In addition to the Board, HKFSBCM Forum forms special task forces, committees and working groups to focus on major initiatives, projects, and topics.

Board Members

Current Board Members (as of December 2024)

Chair                    Hozefa Badri (HSBC)

Vice Chair            Fred Miranda (Citibank)    

Treasurer             Etta Lo (Société Générale)  
Secretary             Humphrey Tse (UBS)

Board Member    John Chan (AIA)

Board Member    Leigh Farina (HSBC) 

Board Member    Margaret Goodchild (HSBC)

Board Member    Axay Podar (ANZ)

Board Member    Yasmine Chi (China CITIC Bank International Limited) 

Stay Connected


The Hong Kong Financial Services Business Continuity Management (HKFSBCM) Forum’s membership is open to individuals who are employed by, and hold responsibility for Business Continuity Management or a related risk discipline in Financial Sector firms that are involved in the banking and/or securities industry with a presence in Hong Kong and/or Asia. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form below and we will contact you.